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Staff name tag

BusinessCard Ondemand
Robataya Gaburi has a portrait name tag of each staff.
Also a place that end up eateries hospitality industry! You are creating will be proposed in the wake of making conversation with the audience.It bit into the surface logo and name, design point of each staff. Back is the word from the portrait and staff of each staff.
Data only is required. Minimum lot, can make from one!

One press menu promotional items

A4 Ondemand
It has created there is a demand and want to give the flag to one press menu for a limited time.
Pin (it uses a plastic) and we have to set. Flags There are other kinds. Ask any menu and I do not know whether the flag come with.
Data only is required. Minimum lot, can make from 100 sheets!

Staff Name TAg

Style:名刺オンデマンド Partners:Ink-jet
Robataya Gaburi has a portrait name tag of each staff.
Also a place that end up eateries hospitality industry! You are creating will be proposed in the wake of making conversation with the audience.It bit into the surface logo and name, design point of each staff. Back is the word from the portrait and staff of each staff.
Data only is required. Minimum lot, can make from one!

One press menu promotional items

Style:A4 Ondemand Partners:Ink-jet
It has created there is a demand and want to give the flag to one press menu for a limited time.
Pin (it uses a plastic) and we have to set. Flags There are other kinds. Ask any menu and I do not know whether the flag come with.
Data only is required. Minimum lot, can make from 100 sheets!
